
Fairground Attraction – Perfect

todayAugust 17, 2020 38

Oldies '80s

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“Perfect” – Single by Fairground Attraction from the album The First of a Million Kisses. B-side “Mythology”, “Falling Backwards”, “Mystery Train”. Released 21 March 1988

“Perfect” is the debut single by the English folk and soft rock band Fairground Attraction, written by Mark E. Nevin. Released on 21 March 1988 by RCA, the single reached number one in the United Kingdom on 14 May 1988, where it stayed for one week.

The song didn’t really take hold in the U.S. until the fall, when it managed to make appearances on three different Billboard charts: the Hot 100, the newly established Modern Rock Tracks tally, and, somewhat perplexingly, the Hot Country Singles roundup.

Bass player Simon Edwards played the guitaron (a Mexican acoustic bass) on this song.

In 1989 this won a Brit Award for Best Single while in the same year First of a Million Kisses won the Brit Award for the Best Album.

Fairground Attraction - Perfect (Official Video)
Fairground Attraction - Perfect

“Perfect” a fost melodia de debut a grupului Fairground Attraction, lansată la 28 Martie 1988, inclusă pe albumul The First of a Million Kisses, lansat ceva mai târziu în același an. Single-ul a fost numarul unu în UK Singles Chart la 14 Mai 1988. Melodia este o compoziție a lui Mark Nevin.

Perfect a fost single-ul anului la 1989 Brits Awards: British Single of the Year.

Fairground Attraction a fost un grup scoțian de folk și soft rock, activ între anii 1987 și 1990.

Un video “imperfect” – totul iese pe dos – pentru un single “perfect’.

Membrii grupului:
Eddi Reader – vocals
Mark E. Nevin – electric and acoustic guitars
Simon Edwards – guitarrón
Roy Dodds – drums

Eddi Reader

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