
Irene Cara – Fame

todayJuly 17, 2021 109 22 3

Oldies '80s

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“Fame” is a pop song, written by Michael Gore (music) and Dean Pitchford (lyrics) and released in 1980.

Irene Cara - Fame

Fame was a 1980 movie about students at Fiorello LaGuardia High, also known as the New York City High School for the Performing Arts. It’s a real school whose alumni include Robert De Niro, Jennifer Aniston, Liza Minnelli and Nicki Minaj. The movie was fictional, following some of the students who aspired to stardom. Irene Cara played the role of Coco Hernandez in the film and also sang this title song. The song captured the spirit of the students determined to make sure people remember their names.

This won the 1980 Oscar for Best Original Song, and Michael Gore also won for Best Score for his work on the movie. Three years later, Irene Cara won the Best Original Song award along with Giorgio Moroder and Keith Forsey for writing “Flashdance… What a Feeling,” which she also performed.


A very distinctive feature of this song is the background vocals that trail out the word “remember” after the line “baby, remember my name.” It was Luther Vandross who came up with that part and sang it with backup singers Vivian Cherry and Vicki Sue Robinson (of “Turn The Beat Around” renown). Vandross was not yet a solo star, but was in demand as a backup vocalist. He was the contractor on this session, meaning he was in charge of the backup vocals.

Irene Cara - Fame (Live)
Irene Cara - Fame

“Fame” este un single din coloana sonoră a filmului “Fame” lansat la 16 Mai 1980. Filmul este despre elevii de la liceul Fiorello LaGuardia High, cunoscut ca  New York City High School for the Performing Arts.  Este un liceu adevărat, cu absolvenți cunoscuți, printre care Robert De Niro, Jennifer Aniston, Liza Minnelli și Nicki Minaj.

Filmul este o ficțiune, despre câțiva elevi aspiranți la statutul de vedetă. Irene Cara a jucat rolul Coco Hernandez, și a interpretat tema muzicală.

Melodia este compusă de Michael Gore și Dean Pitchford,  a câștigat un Oscar în 1980 la categoria Best Original Song, precum și un Golden Globe la aceiași categorie.


De remarcat background-ul vocal care repetă cuvântul “remember” după versul “baby, remember my name.” A fost ideea lui Luther Vandross, care a și cântat această parte, împreună cu cântărețele de backup, Vivian Cherry și Vicki Sue Robinson.

Melodia a ocupat locul 4 la Billboard (12 Septembrie 1980), iar în 1982 începând cu 3 Iulie a stat 3 săptămâni pe primul loc în topul britanic.

Irene Cara - Fame


Irene Cara - Fame

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